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    What are the most common invoice errors?

    6391 10 Created on 2022-05-23 11:17:28; Last updated on 2024-08-08 08:25:43

    This article details the most common error messages you can get when sending documents through the Create App, and how to fix them. 

    Error message Explanation and troubleshooting
    "This document number has already been used" This error appears if you create an invoice or credit note and give it a number which has already been used on another document. To proceed, you must change the invoice or credit note number. The system will automatically suggest the next available number. If you need to check which document already uses the initial ID, go to the Document Manager and search for that number. Please note that if the old document was deleted on your end, this error will still appear if the same document ID is found on your customer's end.
    "Invoice number is mandatory" This error appears if an invoice number is not included at all on your document. Please make sure to include one at header level according to your customer's validation rules, which you can find on their Landing Page in the Support App.
    "Providing a payment method is mandatory" This error appears when a payment method has not been filled in, and it is mandatory for your customer. Please choose only one payment method from the "Add payment terms and means" dropdown, located under the total sum at the bottom of the invoice.
    "Unacceptable invoice date. The date on the invoice must be within x days of the current date"  This error appears whenever the invoice issue date is not within the specific time frame accepted by your customer. (normally within 14, 30 or 60 days from the current date.) To correct this error, please select a date that is in the correct time frame, as specified in the error message or your customer's validation rules that can be found on their Landing Page in the Support App
    "___ is not a valid value for decimal" This error appears when you are using commas (,) instead of decimals (.) at line level. For example: $12,00 (incorrect) instead of $12.00 (correct).
    "Order reference ____ does not match any order on issue date YYYY-MM-DD" or "Order no ____ does not match an existing order sent to you" This error appears when the referenced Purchase Order (PO) number does not match an existing PO on your account or the customer's branch present on the invoice does not match the customer branch on the Purchase Order. To fix the first issue, please contact your customer and ask them to upload the Purchase Order. If they have done so already, you should check if the PO number from your invoice matches the original PO number sent by your customer. To fix the second issue, please make sure that you select the same customer branch that's present on the Purchase Order.
    "You are currently unable to send invoices to the Selected ___ Branch. If you need further details, please contact ____." This error will appear when you are not connected to your customer's correct branch or the back-end properties of your connection are not properly set up. Please contact your customer or check that you are connected to the correct branch in the Network App.
    "Supplier Party fiscal identifier is mandatory" or "Supplier Party tax identifier is mandatory" This error appears when trying to send or preview a document if the fiscal or tax identifiers are not completed on your company profile. These identifiers are mandatory. Please navigate to the Profile App and fill in the Company Identifiers section. Click here to read more about how you can do that.
    " Please justify the 0% taxation in the footer notes field/header fixed tax if chosen." Selecting 0% tax in the tax field always requires a justification. To solve this error, please fill in the reason for 0% taxation in the "Write a message to the recipient" field, located at the bottom of the invoice next to the "Payment terms and means" section. If you select 0% tax on a line level item, you can add the reason by clicking on the + (plus) sign from the line item, adding the optional field "Tax exemption reason" and filling in the appropriate justification.
    "Unable to send invoice" In addition to any of the above messages, this is a generic error message that pops up when various details are missing or duplicated. The section(s) which include the error will be colored in red to indicate this and will include a short explanation of the error.

    We also have a Tradeshift University course covering these common errors, and many more tips and tricks. Click here to watch it.

    Error messages specific to India-based Sellers

    Error message Explanation and troubleshooting
    "The HSN/SAC Code Is Invalid" This error appears when you do not fill in the HSN/SAC code at line level. You can add the code by clicking on the +  (plus) sign from the line item, adding an optional field and selecting the "HSN/SAC" option. You can choose between the two and add it in the respective field.
    Incorrect India state code This error appears when you add the full spelling of your state in your company's address on the Profile app. The state code in your address must be the standard two letter abbreviation. For example,  Delhi is DL and Gujarat is GJ. 

    Error messages specific to France-based Sellers

    Error message Explanation and troubleshooting
    "Clause providing payment terms are mandatory in invoices you send. Please mention Payment terms, late payment penalties as well as minimum flat recovery costs indemnity of 40 (forty) Euro in the field “note” of your invoices."

    "Les mentions portant sur les pénaltés de retard ainsi que les indemnités de recouvrement de 40 euro sont obligatoires sur vos factures. Celles-ci sont à indiquer dans la partie "note" de la facture."
    Under the "Write a message to the recipient" the supplier can enter the following sentence: "Fixed compensation for collection costs in case of late payment beyond *30 days/60 days upon receipt of the invoice: 40€."

    *depending on the supplier.

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