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    Lookup tables list

    1499 0 Created on 2021-01-19 10:08:29; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:37

    The List of lookup tables screen shows you all the lookup tables defined in your environment. From here, you can easily edit them, or create new ones.

    This screen is accessible by clicking on the menu Channels, then the sub-menu Lookup tables


    List of lookup tables


    The list can contain the following columns:


     A name that identifies the lookup table. 


     A free description for the lookup table. 


     The names of the columns of the lookup table (separated by commas). 

     Shared access key 

     When the lookup table is shared, its sharing access key. See lookup table details for more information. 


     A technical identifier of the lookup table, automatically set by Babelway platform. 

     Created on 

     The date and time when the lookup table was created. 

     Last updated on 

     The date and time of the last modification of the lookup table structure. 

    For more information about the behavior of the grid, and how to make searches, see the grid section of the help.

    You can click on an entry to view the details of the associated lookup table, or edit it. See lookup table details.

    The Create lookup table action button allows you to create a new lookup table.


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