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    Home / Tradeshift Documentation / Tradeshift Partner Apps / Babelway / Chapter 4. Channels

    Using partners

    1454 0 Created on 2021-01-19 09:55:30; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:37

    Partner information can be used in many places within the application.

    View or search in your messages

    In the table of your messages, you can directly view the identified partners. You can also search these fields or sort them.


    Partners IN and OUT in list of messages

    The information is also available in the screen with the detail of a message.

    Partners IN and OUT in MessageDetail screen


    You will soon get access to the statistics by partner IN or partner OUT (now only by channel, gateway IN or gateway OUT).

    Related items

    Related items allow you to navigate very quickly through the application.


    Related items of partner

    In the processing of messages

    Coming soon. The partner info is accessible via metadata. You can access and use it.

    It is very useful to use in routing, to select your channels based on the sender or the receiver.


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