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    Lookup table detail - General

    1460 0 Created on 2021-01-19 10:11:01; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:37

    his page shows you all the details about the lookup table. It can be accessed from the lookup tables list screen.

    The page contains the following tabs.


    This tab contains the signaletic information of the lookup table, and offers actions that act on the whole lookup table.


    Lookup table detail - tab General


     A unique identifier automatically set by the Babelway platform. 

     Created On 

     Date and time of element creation. 

     Last   Updated   On 

     Date and time of last element configuration update. 


     A name that you can set and/or modify to easily retrieve and manage your element. 


     A free description for the lookup table. 


     If checked, the lookup table can be accessed from other environments. The other environment will just need the sharing access key to be able to access it. 

     Sharing   access key 

     The key used by Babelway' system to identify the lookup table. 

     Replication   mode 

     Lookup table entries are synchronized among all messaging engine servers. In a normal situation (when all servers are available and able to   communicate), all entries are guaranteed to be correct, regardless where messages are processed. The 'Replication mode' parameter controls the   synchronization during stress periods, like the network disconnection of one of the servers. The 'loose' mode is fault tolerant, this means that the   messages processing will not be interrupted. However, there is very little chance of inaccuracy. When the reconnection occurs, the system performs   consistency checks and creates an alert if an entry was modified independently by 2 messaging engine servers. The 'strict' mode guarantees the   accuracy of the entries. This mode implies that message processing will fail if the entry update cannot be replicated immediately to all messaging   engine servers. Use this for exact counters, like invoice number. This Default is 'loose'. 

    The " Save " action button allows you to save the changes you made in this tab (name, description and sharing option).

    The Delete table action button allows you to delete the lookup table, but is only accessible if the lookup table is not used in any transformation.

    The Duplicate table action button allows you to duplicate the structure of the lookup table.


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