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    Gateway Types: Part 04

    1865 0 Created on 2020-10-26 13:39:54; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:36

    • OFTP Server Gateway Out: With an OFTP Server Out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway OFTP server.

    • OFTP Client Gateway Out: With an OFTP Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are transferred to an external OFTP server.

    • Http Gateway Out: With a HTTP out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway HTTP server.

    • Http Client Gateway Out: With an Http Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are sent using an Http connection.

    • SOAP Client Gateway Out: With a Soap Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are sent using a SOAP call and it is using asynchronous request.

    • ePrior Gateway Out: With ePrior Out Gateway, outgoing messages are made available on Babelway ePrior server.

    • Simpl.ePrior Gateway Out: With Simpl.ePrior Out Gateway, outgoing messages are made available on Babelway ePrior server.

    • X.400 Gateway Out: With an X.400 Gateway, outgoing messages are sent to a specific trading partner address using an X.400 network

    OFTP Server Gateway Out

    With an OFTP server Gateway out, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway OFTP server. The specific settings are:
    • Partner SSID:  The OFTP ID provided by your partner. 
    • Partner SFID: The SFID provided by your partner. If none has been provided, this is probably the same as the SSID. 
    • Partner password: The password of your partner. Provided by your partner. 
    • My SSID: Babelway is providing an official Odette SSID : O01770000000000X0B5SHARED. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My SFID: An SFID is automatically assigned to your Environment : O01770000000000X0B5xxxxxx where xxxxx is the ID of your Babelway environment.. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My password: The value of the password is 'BABELWAY'. 
    • Filename:  Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • OFTP  documentation:  File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your OFTP partner. 
    • Skip EERP: Select this if your partner is not sending the mandatory EERP. The message will be set in SUCCESS directly after upload.
    • Use compression: Compresses the messages.
    • Secure Authentication: Use OFTP2 'Secure Authentication'. This will use the certificates defined for encryption and signature. 
    • Sign messages: Sign outgoing messages using the key selected in "Signature certificate". This allows your partner to verify that you are the one sending the message. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature certificate:  Select signature certificate or go to certificates store. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encrypt  messages:  Encrypt outgoing messages using the certificate selected in "Encryption certificate". This allows your partner to be the only one able to decrypt the messages sent. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encryption certificate:  Select encryption certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Encryption algorithm: Select encryption algorithm or go to certificates store. 
    • Receive signed messages: This allows you to verify that your partner is the one sending the message using the certificate selected in "Signature verification certificate". This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature verification certificate: Select certificate for data or go to certificates store. 
    • Request signed ack (EERP):  Requests that incoming acknowledgments are signed. The signature will be verified using the Certificate selected in "EERP verification certificate". This allows you to be sure that only the partner could have signed the incoming messages. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • EERP verification certificate: Select certificate for EERP or go to certificates store. 
    • Transfer mode:  Advanced. Once the connection is open, the OFTP gateway will act as both sender and receiver by default. You can control this by setting the following values : BOTH / RECEIVER_ONLY / SENDER_ONLY 
    • Version: Advanced. Babelway is supporting both OFTP1 and OFTP2. When a connection is open, Babelway is using the OFTP built-in mechanism to negotiate the protocol version. The protocol will be the highest possible. Valid values are : OFTP_V12 for version 1.2 / OFTP_V13 for version 1.3 / OFTP_V14 for version 1.4 / OFTP_V20 for version 2.0 
    • File format:  Advanced. Babelway is supporting all types of records. Valid values are : FIXED / TEXTFILE / UNSTRUCTURED / VARIABLE. Default is UNSTRUCTURED 
    • Record max size: Advanced. You can specify the record size (only used for FIXED and VARIABLE) 
    • Credit Count: Advanced. Control the OFTP "creditCount" parameter. This is the number of data command ( = CREDIT) that could be exchanged prior to an OFTP confirmation from the partner. Default is 64 
    • Data exchange buffer size: Advanced. Control the OFTP "dataExchangeBufferSize" parameter. This is the size of the OFTP data buffer. It should be smaller than the maxBDataLen for ISDN connection. The minimum is 128 bytes and the maximum is 4096 for ISDN and 65535 for TCP connections. Default is 1024 
    • Time out:  During how much time the file will be kept available on the OFTP server. After this timeout, the file will be automatically removed from the OFTP server (it you did not do it before). If the file was never downloaded, the file will also be marked in ERROR, because it has not reached its destination. To be warned the soonest possible of errors, we recommend that you set here the lowest possible value. Example : if an automatic process polls the files from here every hour, a value of "3 hours" will allow you to be notified of the problem after just 2 or 3 failed/missing polling's, while a value of "30 days" would lead to files leaving there, without any automatic notification, until some user worries about lack of files. 

    After channel deployment, your OFTP server will be available to send messages. You can access this OFTP server using any OFTP client software set up with the previous account settings.

    If you require a custom SSID / SFID / PASSWORD, please send a request to .

    When a message is transferred to the OFTP server, it is processed immediately then the original file is removed from the server.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    AS2 Gateway Out

    With an AS2 Gateway, outgoing messages are transmitted using an AS2 connection. Common trading partners using AS2 include Walmart, Amazon and Wayfair.

    AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a specification about how to transport data securely and reliably over the Internet. Security is achieved by using digital certificates and encryption.

    The following fields should be defined in order to configure your AS2 access:

    • From: Babelway source server. 
    • To: AS2 ID of the server that receives outgoing messages. Provided by your partner. 
    • Type:  MIME/TYPE used to transfer the AS2 message to your partner. Possible values are : 
    • "edi", for the content type "application/EDIFACT". 
    • "x12", for the content type "application/EDI-X12".
    •  "eco", for the content type "application/edi-consent". 
    • "xml", for the content type "application/XML". 
    • "bin", for the content type "application/ octet-stream". DEFAULT is "bin". 
    • Attachment name: Name of the file sent by AS2. This is an extension to the base AS2 specification and might not be supported by all partners. By default no file name is sent. 
    • Recipient address: The endpoint URL of the receiving gateway ,requires protocol prefix in URL (http:// or https://)
    • AS2 documentation: File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your AS2 partner. 
    • Compress message: Should the message be compressed or not? 
    • Encrypt message: Should the message be encrypted or not? 
    • Certificate for encryption: Certificate used for message encryption. Provided by your partner. 
    • Encryption algorithm: Select algorithm used for encrypting message, if any. 
    • Sign message: Should the message be signed or not? 
    • Certificate for signature: Local certificate to use for signing AS2 messages. The certificates are kept in the environment certificates store. 
    • Signing algorithm:  Select algorithm used for signing the AS2 message. DEFAULT is SHA-1. 
    • Request receipt: Should a receipt be sent when a request is received or not.
    • Asynchronous receipt: Should the receipt be sent asynchronously or not. 
    • Signed receipt:  Should the receipt be signed or not.
    • MIC algorithm: Select Message Integrity Code algorithm used to compute the MDN of the message. DEFAULT is SHA-1. 
    • Message signature enforced: Should message signature be enforced or not. This parameter only applies if no AS2 IN gateway is configured for this partner (same AS2 FROM and AS2 TO). 
    • Certificate for verification: Certificate used for message verification. Provided by your partner. This parameter only applies if no AS2 IN gateway is configured for this partner (same AS2 FROM and AS2 TO). 
    • Maximum retries: Maximum number of retries if message sending failed. Default is 8 times.
    • Retry interval: Interval of time before trying to send message again (in seconds). Default is 1800 (30 minutes). 

    Note: Babelway use Hermes 2 which is Drummond Group certified AS2 software, For more details you can check the below link. report AS2 parameters to the other party, dowload the AS2 documentation ZIP file. This file can be sent to the other party to give them all parameters they will require to establish a communication with your channel.

    Walmart requires their suppliers to use AS2 to connect with them: learn more.


    • The Listening ports for the AS2 Gateway are:

    1. When using the HTTPS protocol the Listening port is 443.
    2. When using the HTTP protocol the Listening port is 80.

    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Http Client Gateway Out

    With an HttpClientOut Gateway, outgoing messages are sent using a Http connection. All the user defined metadata defined in the messages are passed in the context of the new message. The specific settings are:

    Url: External service address. Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 

    Username: Login or username to access the service. 

    Password: Password associated with the username. 

    Connected gateway: Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the http server. 

    Valid HTTP return code: Comma separated list of expected return Http code which evaluates the response HTTP code in the header. If the return code is not in the list, the message is set in error. The default is '200,201,202,204,205'. 

    • Success expression: The success expression is a regex that evaluates the HTTP response body. If the response doesn't match the success expression, the message is flagged with 'error' status. 
    • Response filename:  You can specify a filename that will be associated with the server response. Default is 'attachment'. 
    • User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the response message created in the connected gateways. 
    • Retry strategy:  Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 
    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Timeout: Timeout for connection in milliseconds. Must be between 10000 and 240000. 
    • Http Method: You can specify the http method to call. 'Form Posting' is emulating a browser Form Post using mime multipart. The default is POST. 
    • TLS version: You can specify the version of the TLS protocol. TLS is the replacement of SSL. The default is TLSv1.2. 
    • Message parameter name: Name given to the parameter containing the actual message. This is also equivalent to the FORM parameter when a POST if done from a web browser. 
    • Extra parameters: Extra parameters to include in the message. Name is the parameter name (FORM parameter) and the value is the name of a metadata contain the parameter content. In case of a binary content, the name of the metadata will also be used as the 'filename' of the parameter. 
    • Http headers: You can add specific http header. This accepts metadata. 
    • Trust level: The trust level defines the level of security used in the SSL handshake. Relax = No certificate verification, Standard = trusting certificates in environment certificates as well as known CA's, Paranoiac = only trusts certificates defined in the environment certificates. Mutual = requires 2-way authentication. 
    • Authentication method: You can select from FORM, BASIC, DIGEST, NTLM, CERT, OAUTH1, OAUTH2, ANY or TOKEN. CERT is 2-way SSL authentication. ANY is BASIC, DIGEST or NTLM depending on the server response. 
    • Preemptive authentication: Allows to send authentication information with the first http request (to avoid making a second request). Only for BASIC or DIGEST authentication. 
    • Login url:  If authentication method is FORM. 
    • Authentication form fields: When using FORM authentication, you can add specific authentication form fields to the authentication call. This accepts metadata. 
    • Metadata from response: You can use data receive by the login request as metadata, which can be used in the data sending after login. 
    • 2-way auth. certificate: If CERT authentication is used (2-way SSL authentication), this allows to select the key pair to use from the environment certificate. 
    • Oauth bearer:  If OAUTH2 authentication is used, this allows select the OAUTH bearer token to use. 
    • Oauth signature method:  If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows select the signature algorithm to use. Note that if SHA1withRSA is used, a Key alias must be selected. 
    • Oauth consumer key: If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the consumer key. This is mandatory. 
    • Oauth consumer secret: If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the consumer secret. This is optional. 
    • Oauth token: If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the token. At this version of Babelway this is mandatory, please contact support if you need to retrieve the token from an OAUth handshake. 
    • Oauth token secret :  If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the token secret. This is optional. 
    • Oauth RSA key: If OAUTH1 authentication is used with SHA1withRSA, this allows to select the key signing the OAUTH authentication. 

    After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.

    Note: The sent HTTP request has a default content type of "text/html" and if you need to change it based in the output message, you can add the desired Content-Type in the headers section under the properties of the HTTP Client Gateway OUT as seen below:

    1- Click on the properties of the HTTP Client Gateway OUT as seen below:

    Go to the Properties of the HTTP Client Gateway OUT

    2- Add the desired Content-Type in the headers section (fo example "application/json") as seen below:

    Add the desired Content-Type


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    SOAP Client Gateway Out

    With an SoapClientOut Gateway, outgoing messages are sent using a SOAP call.

    All the user defined metadata defined in the messages are passed in the context of the new message.

    The specific settings are:

    • Url: External service address. 
    • Username:  Login or username to access the service. 
    • Password: Password associated with the username. 
    • Connected gateway: Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the http server. 
    • SoapFault strategy:  If an error occurs during processing, the response to a SOAP message is a SOAP fault element in the body of the message, and the fault is returned to the sender of the SOAP message. 

    Standard Soap protocol suggests that they should be sent with a 500 HTTP error code, but some systems still send it with a HTTP 200 ok return code. 

    Choose here how you want to handle your Soap Fault messages:  1) You can treat them as normal messages and therefore, no special rules applies. If they arrive with a HTTP 500 error code, you should add 500 in the list of valid return code. Otherwise, they will end up in error, as normal messages.  2) You can always treat them as Error. Even if we receive them via a valid HTTP response code, the message will be put in error.  3) You can always treat them as Successful messages. Even if we receive them via a invalid HTTP return code, the message will be put in success and possibly transferred to a connected gateway. 

    • Valid HTTP return code: Comma separated list of expected return Http code. If the return code is not in the list, the message is set in error. The default is '200,201,202,204,205'. 
    • Success expression: The success expression is a regex. If the response doesn't match the success expression, the message is flagged with 'error' status. 
    • Response filename: You can specify a filename that will be associated with the server response. Default is 'attachment'. 
    • User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the response message created in the connected gateways. 
    • Retry strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 

    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours. 
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Http Method: You can specify the http method to call. The default is POST. 
    • Timeout: Timeout for connection in milliseconds. Must be between 10000 and 240000. 
    • Http headers: You can add specific http header. This accepts metadata. 
    • SOAPAction http header: Value of the SOAPAction http header. 
    • SOAP Attachments: Allows to specify one or more soap attachments, based on SOAP with Attachments (SwA) using MIME. Name will be sent as 'ContentId' of the mime part of the attachment and Value must contain the name of the metadata containing the String or byte array body of the attachment. 
    • Trust level: The trust level defines the level of security used in the SSL handshake. Relax = No certificate verification, Standard = trusting certificates in environment certificates as well as known CA's, Paranoiac = only trusts certificates defined in the environmnent certificates. Mutual = requires 2-way authentication. 
    • Authentication method: You can select from FORM, BASIC, DIGEST, CERT or ANY. CERT is 2-way SSL authentication. ANY is BASIC, DIGEST or NTLM depending on the server response. 
    • Preemptive authentication:  Allows to send authentication information with the first http request (to avoid making a second request). Only for BASIC or DIGEST authentication. 
    • Login url:  If authentication method is FORM.
    • Authentication form fields: When using FORM authentication, you can add specific authentication form fields to the authentication call. This accepts metadata. 
    • 2-way auth. certificate: If CERT authentication is used (2-way SSL authentication), this allows to select the key pair to use from the environment certificate.
    • Soap headers:  You can add specific soap header. This accepts metadata. 
    • Soap version: Defined the standard version of the remote SOAP service. 
    • Ws-Security profile: Ws-Security profile defines the type of security required to call the SOAP service. 
    • Ws-Security Username: Ws-Security username is used in the username/token digest profile.
    • Ws-Security token: Ws-Security token is used in the username/token digest profile. 
    • Ws-Security signing key: Ws-Security username is used in the X.509 signing profiles. 
    • Ws-Security encryption certificate:  Ws-Security username is used in the X.509 encryption profiles. 

    After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Oracle Fusion Gateway Out

    With an Oracle Fusion Out Gateway, outgoing messages are sent to a Oracle Fusion CMK endpoint using a SOAP call. All the user defined metadata defined in the messages are passed in the context of the new message.

    The specific settings are:

    • Url: External service address. 
    • Username:  Login or username to access the service. 
    • Password:  Password associated with the username. 
    • Connected gateway: Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the http server. 
    • SoapFault strategy:  If an error occurs during processing, the response to a SOAP message is a SOAP fault element in the body of the message, and the fault is returned to the sender of the SOAP message. Standard Soap protocol suggests that they should be sent with a 500 HTTP error code, but some systems still send it with a HTTP 200 ok return code.  Choose here how you want to handle your Soap Fault messages: 1) You can treat them as normal messages and therefore, no special rules applies. If they arrive with a HTTP 500 error code, you should add 500 in the list of valid return code. Otherwise, they will end up in error, as normal messages.  2) You can always treat them as Error. Even if we receive them via a valid   HTTP response code, the message will be put in error.  3) You can always treat them as Successful messages. Even if we receive them via a invalid HTTP return code, the message will be put in success and possibly transferred to a connected gateway. 
    • Valid HTTP return code: Comma separated list of expected return Http code. If the return code is not in the list, the message is set in error. The default is '200,201,202,204,205'. 
    • Success expression:  The success expression is a regex. If the response doesn't match the success expression, the message is flagged with 'error' status. 
    • Response filename: You can specify a filename that will be associated with the server response. Default is 'attachment'. 
    • User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the response message created in the connected gateways. 
    • Retry strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 

    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Http Method: You can specify the http method to call. The default is POST. 
    • Timeout: Timeout for connection in milliseconds. Must be between 10000 and 240000. 
    • Http headers: You can add specific http header. This accepts metadata. 
    • SOAPAction http header:  Value of the SOAPAction http header. 
    • SOAP Attachments:  Allows to specify one or more soap attachments, based on SOAP with Attachments (SwA) using MIME. Name will be sent as 'ContentId' of the mime part of the attachment and Value must contain the name of the metadata containing the String or byte array body of the attachment. 
    • Trust level: The trust level defines the level of security used in the SSL handshake. Relax = No certificate verification, Standard = trusting certificates in environment certificates as well as known CA's, Paranoiac = only trusts certificates defined in the environmnent certificates. Mutual = requires 2-way authentication. 
    • Authentication method: You can select from FORM, BASIC, DIGEST, CERT or ANY. CERT is 2-way SSL authentication. ANY is BASIC, DIGEST or NTLM depending on the server response.
    • Preemptive authentication: Allows to send authentication information with the first http request (to avoid making a second request). Only for BASIC or DIGEST authentication.
    • Login url: If authentication method is FORM. 
    • Authentication form fields: When using FORM authentication, you can add specific authentication form fields to the authentication call. This accepts metadata. 
    • 2-way auth. certificate: If CERT authentication is used (2-way SSL authentication), this allows to select the key pair to use from the environment certificate. 
    • Soap headers: You can add specific soap header. This accepts metadata. 
    • Soap version: Defined the standard version of the remote SOAP service. 
    • Ws-Security profile: Ws-Security profile defines the type of security required to call the SOAP service.
    • Ws-Security Username: Ws-Security username is used in the username/token digest profile. 
    • Ws-Security token: Ws-Security token is used in the username/token digest profile.
    • Ws-Security signing key:  Ws-Security username is used in the X.509 signing profiles. 
    • Ws-Security encryption certificate: Ws-Security username is used in the X.509 encryption profiles. 

    After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB. 

    ePrior Gateway Out

    With ePrior Out Gateway, outgoing messages are made available on Babelway ePrior server.

    The specific settings are:

    • Signature Verification Certificate: The X509 certificate used to verify the signature of the incomming ePrior requests. 
    • Consumer Identifier: The identification of the consumer from which the ePrior request comes from.
    • Receiver Identifier: The identification of the party to which the ePrior document is sent. 
    • Sender Identifier: The identification of the party from which the ePrior document is sent. 
    • Document Type:  The type of the ePrior document. 
    • Document Identifier: The identification of the ePrior document. 
    • Time out:  During how much time the file will be kept available on the ePrior server. After this timeout, the file will be automatically removed from the ePrior server (it you did not do it before). If the file was never downloaded, the file will also be marked in ERROR, because it has not reached its destination. To be warned the soonest possible of errors, we recommend that you set here the lowest possible value. Example : if an automatic process polls the files from here every hour, a value of "3 hours" will allow you to be notified of the problem after just 2 or 3 failed/missing polling, while a value of "30 days" would lead to files leaving there, without any automatic notification, until some user worries about lack of files. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Simpl.ePrior Gateway Out

    With Simpl.ePrior Out Gateway, outgoing messages are made available on Babelway Simpl.ePrior server.

    The specific settings are:

    • Signature Verification Certificate: The X509 certificate used to verify the signature of the incomming Simpl.ePrior requests. 
    • Consumer Identifier: The identification of the consumer from which the Simpl.ePrior request comes from. 
    • Receiver Identifier: The identification of the party to which the Simpl.ePrior document is sent. 
    • Sender Identifier: The identification of the party from which the Simpl.ePrior document is sent. 
    • Document Type:  The type of the Simpl.ePrior document. 
    • Document Identifier:  The identification of the Simpl.ePrior document. 
    • Time out: During how much time the file will be kept available on the Simpl.ePrior server. After this timeout, the file will be automatically removed from the Simpl.ePrior server (it you did not do it before). If the file was never downloaded, the file will also be marked in ERROR, because it has not reached its destination. To be warned the soonest possible of errors, we recommend that you set here the lowest possible value. Example : if an automatic process polls the files from here every hour, a value of "3 hours" will allow you to be notified of the problem after just 2 or 3 failed/missing polling, while a value of "30 days" would lead to files leaving there, without any automatic notification, until some user worries about lack of files. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Http Gateway Out

    With a HTTP out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway HTTP server.

    The specific settings are:

    Username:  Login or username to access the service . 

    Password: Password associated with the username. 

    SOAP HTTP(S) Url:  using the SOAP Post protocol. WSDL  Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 

    Content encoding: How to encode the content 

    Time out:  During how much time the file will be kept available on the HTTP server. After this timeout, the file will be automatically removed from the HTTP server (it you did not do it before). If the file was never downloaded, the file will also be marked in ERROR, because it has not reached its destination. To be warned the soonest possible of errors, we recommend that you set here the lowest possible value. Example : if an automatic process polls the files from here every hour, a value of "3 hours" will allow you to be notified of the problem after just 2 or 3 failed/missing pollings, while a value of "30 days" would lead to files leaving there, without any automatic notification, until some user worries about lack of files. 

    After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.


    • The HTTP server Gateway uses the port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
    • You will need to download the WSDL file for this gateway by using the SOAP URL in the browser then login using the user name and password for this gateway in order to download the WSDL file for this environment as for some environments the SOAP URL and the WSDL file are different from other environments.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    X.400 Gateway Out

    The X.400 out Gateway allows to send the message on the X.400 network to the address of your trading partner.

    • X.400  Address: The account private address. This is the address to communicate to your trading partner. The formatting may vary from one partner to the other. The most common formats are: C=WW; A=400NET; P=BABELWAY; S=HUB-25333 /C=WW/A=400NET/P=BABELWAY/S=HUB-25333. 
    • Partner Manual Address: You can choose to enter the full address in the "manual address field" or each address component in the corresponding field. 
    • Partner Country:  Country = C value 
    • Partner ADMD: Partner Administration Management Domain Name = A value 
    • Partner PRMD: Partner Private Management Domain Name = P value 
    • Partner Organization:  Partner Organization = O value
    • Partner OU1: Partner Organizational Unit 1
    • Partner Given Name:  Partner Given Name 
    • Partner Initial:  Partner Initial
    • Partner Surname: Partner Surname = S value
    • Partner Generation: Partner Generation Qualifier
    • Request receipt: Request a X.400 message delivery notification 
    • Send as binary:  Send the X.400 message as binary (using bilaterally-defined body part) 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.



















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