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    Gateway Types: Part 1

    2157 0 Created on 2020-10-21 08:19:29; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:14

    Gateway In

    • Email Gateway In: Incoming messages are attached to email messages and sent to a specific Babelway email address and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • FTP Client Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled and retrieved from a remote ftp server using a login and password.

    • SFTP Client Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled and retrieved from a remote sftp server using a login and password.

    • FTP Server Gateway In: Incoming messages are transferred to a specific Babelway Ftp server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • SFTP Server Gateway In: Incoming messages are transferred to a specific Babelway sftp server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • AS2 Gateway In: A communication standard largely used in retail environment to secure communications over the Internet.

    • Internal Gateway In: A gateway used to transfer messages between 2 channels within Babelway.

    • Message record Gateway In: Used to export the messages details from the Monitoring in a message processed by the channel.

    • Lookup table Gateway In: Used to create a message using values present in a lookup table.

    • OFTP Server Gateway In: Incoming messages are transferred to a Babelway specific OFTP server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • OFTP client Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled and retrieved from a remote OFTP server using login and password.

    • Http Client Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled and retrieved from a remote Http server.

    Email Gateway In

    Email gateway in allows you to receive incoming messages sent to a specific Babelway email address, as attachments. The messages are processed as soon as they arrive.

    The specific settings are:

    • Email address: The email address to which the incoming messages are sent as email attachment. If the address already exists, you will have to enter a new address. Remember that this email address will only be created at channel deployment. 
    • Process all files: By default we will process all files received. Unselect this box if you wish to define a specific rule. 
    • File name pattern: Pattern (regular expression) for the file name in the email of the file that will become your input message. First match is used. 
    • Other files to save: Allows you to save other files of the email for future use. For every file that you want to save, you have to specify the pattern of the file name in the email and the name of the metadata in which you want to save the content. If one pattern matches multiple files, it is possible to save them all if you guarantee to generate a different metadata name for each. This can be achieved by using the capturing groups of the regex in the metadata names. Ex: if your pattern is (.*\.csv) and your metadata name is attachment-$1, processing with files file1.csv and file2.csv will result in two metadata as follows attachment-file1.csv and attachment-file2.csv 


    This "Gateway In" filters out images in the attachment with the formats (bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, eml, vcf) .

    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 10 MB.

    FTP Client Gateway In

    With an Ftp Client In Gateway, incoming messages are transferred from an external Ftp server. Babelway polls files from this server at regular intervals. You may need this gateway to integrate with Wayfair for example.

    The specific settings are:

    • Server:  External ftp server address where Babelway should fetch messages, e.g. 
    • Username:  Login or username to access files on this external ftp server. 
    • Password: Password associated to the username. 
    • Passive Mode:  Indicates that the ftp connection is in passive. Ticking this means the ftp client will establish 2 connections to the ftp server. 
    • Directory: Directory where files are to be fetched on the server. 
    • File pattern: The file pattern is a regex used to filter files to import (ex: '.*\.csv' for all files ending with '.csv' or '(?!proc_).*\.csv' for all csv files that don't start with 'proc_'. If left empty, all files will be transferred. 
    • Protocol: Select FTP, FTPS (Explicit mode) or FTPS (Implicit mode) protocol. 
    • Private key: The private key associated with the previous username to access your account. This can be left empty if you choose to only use the password authentication mechanism.
    • Suffix during transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file is being transferred. This mechanism is used to prevent that a file is transferred twice. 
    • After transfer behavior: What will happen to your file after we have read it. This behavior is important so that your file is not read again at next poll. The possible values are : 
    • Delete. It is the default. After having read it, the file will be deleted from the remote server. 
    • Rename. A suffix will be appended to the file name. Move. File will be moved to another folder of the remote server. 
    • Move and rename. File will be moved to another folder, and renamed. 
    • DoNothing. Don't do anything. Be very careful with this option, as it could mean that your file will be redownloaded at each poll. Should only be used with servers that move or delete the file automatically at download. 
    • Suffix after transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file has been completely transferred. 
    • Folder for transferred files: Directory where transferred files will be moved. 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows you to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). If left empty, the system will check at least once every 15 minutes. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at For more information, please refer to the page:

    When a message is transferred to the ftp server, it is processed immediately then the original file is removed from the server.


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    FTP Server Gateway In

    With a Ftp Server In Gateway, incoming messages are received on a Babelway specific ftp server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    The specific settings are:

    • Server:  Babelway ftp server is the hostname for the ftp server where the files will be fetched. 
    • Username: Login or username to access your account on Babelway ftp server. This username must be unique as it is linked to a specific directory on the ftp server. 
    • Password: Password associated with the username. 
    • Directory: The directory on the ftp server on which you wil have to put your files so that they are processed by this gateway. 

    After channel deployment, your ftp server will be available to send messages. You can access this ftp server using any ftp client software set up with the previous account settings.

    The files sent by FTP commands STOR, STOU, APPE are processed as soon as the command is completed. There is no need to use a temporary file name suffix or other precautions. The FTP server does not support FTP commands RMD, MKD, RNTO.

    Babelway FTP gateways are supporting FTP and FTPS (Explicit mode) on port 21. It also support FTPS (Implicit mode) on port 990.


    • The ports used for the FTP connections in Babelway are: (FTP, FTPs explicit : 20020-21020, FTPs implicit : 22021-23020).
    • There is no need to use temporary file name suffix when sending files to "Gateway In" of type FTP server, There is no risk of collision because our FTP server does not use a filesystem. Instead, the data are directly sent to the Babelway messaging engine when the upload command is completed.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    SFTP Client Gateway In

    With an SFTP Client Input Gateway, incoming messages are transferred to an external SFTP server. Babelway platform polls this server at regular intervals and retrieves incoming files to process them.

    The specific settings are:

    • Server: Sftp server host name. 
    • Password: Password associated with the username.
    • Private key: Private key associated with the username. 
    • Directory: Directory where files are to be fetched on the server. 
    • File pattern: The file pattern is a regex used to filter files to import (ex: '.*\.csv' for all files ending with '.csv' or '(?!proc_).*\.csv' for all csv files that don't start with 'proc_'. If left empty, all files will be transferred. 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows to define complex time expression like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 23 ? * MON-FRI). If left empty, the system will check at least once every 15 minutes. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at For more information, please refer to the page:
    • Suffix during transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file is being transferred. This mechanism is used to prevent that a file is transferred twice. 
    • After transfer behavior: What will happen to your file after we have read it. This behavior is important so that your file is not read again at next poll. The possible values are:
    • Delete. It is the default. After having read it, the file will be deleted from the remote server. 
    • Rename. A suffix will be appended to the file name. Move. File will be moved to another folder of the remote server. 
    • Move and rename. File will be moved to another folder, and renamed. 
    • DoNothing. Don't do anything. Be very careful with this option, as it could mean that your file will be redownloaded at each poll. Should only be used with servers that move or delete the file automatically at download. 
    • Suffix after transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file has been completely transferred. 
    • Folder for transferred files: Directory where transferred files will be moved. 


    • Babelway By default connect to the remote SFTP server on port 22 but if you want to connect to this remote SFTP server using different port then use the below.
    • In the Server field add the port number you want to use it, For example if use X.X.X.X:1722 in the Server field which means connect to the remote SFTP server X.X.X.X on port 1722.
    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    SFTP Server Gateway In

    Using the SFTP Server In Gateway, incoming messages are received on a Babelway specific server and processed as soon as they arrive. The SFTP server gateway supports SFTP version 3 and password and/or public key user authentication mechanisms.

    The specific settings are:
    • Server: Babelway sftp server is the hostname for the sftp server where the files will be fetched. 
    • Username: Login or username to access your account on the Babelway SFTP server. This username must be unique as it is linked to a specific directory on the SFTP server. 
    • Password:  The password associated with the username. This can be left empty if you choose to only use the public key authentication mechanism. 
    • Public Key: The public key associated with the username. This can be left empty if you choose to only use the password authentication mechanism. The supported formats are RSA public key (OpenSSH, Putty or DER format). More information about generating such a key can be found at the end of this page. 
    • Directory: The directory on the ftp server on which you will have to put your files so that they are processed by this gateway. 

    You can set both password and public key fields. Therefore, you will be able to connect to your account either by using a password or by using your private key associated with the uploaded public key.

    After channel deployment, your SFTP server will be available to send messages. You can access this SFTP server using any SFTP (version 3) client software set up with the previous account parameters.

    When a message is received by the SFTP server, it is directly processed. After processing, the file is removed from the server.

    The public key is expected to be in an RSA format (OpenSSH, Putty or DER). If you don’t already have a public/private key, you can generate one using ssh-keygen from OpenSSH :



    The SSH protocol supports many authentication methods. Arguably one the most important of these is public key authentication for interactive and automated connections. 

    Public key authentication over simple passwords is used for security. It provides cryptographic strength that even extremely long passwords can not offer. With SSH, public key authentication improves security considerably as it frees the users from remembering complicated passwords (or worse yet, writing them down).

    In addition to security public key authentication also offers usability benefits - it allows users to implement single sign-on across the SSH servers they connect to. Public key authentication also allows automated, passwordless login that is a key enabler for the countless secure automation processes that execute within enterprise networks globally.

    Public key cryptography revolves around a couple of key concepts. The sections below explain these briefly.


    As with any encryption scheme, public key authentication is based on an algorithm. There are several well-researched, secure, and trustworthy algorithms out there - the most common being the likes of RSA and DSA. Unlike the commonly known (symmetric or secret-key) encryption algorithms the public key encryption algorithms work with two separate keys. These two keys form a pair that is specific to each user.


    In the SSH public key authentication use case, it is rather typical that the users create (i.e. provision) the key pair for themselves. SSH implementations include easily usable utilities for this (for more information see ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id).

    Each SSH key pair includes two keys:

    public key that is copied to the SSH server(s). Anyone with a copy of the public key can encrypt data which can then only be read by the person who holds the corresponding private key. Once an SSH server receives a public key from a user and considers the key trustworthy, the server marks the key as authorized in its authorized_keys file. Such keys are called authorized keys.

    private key that remains (only) with the user. The possession of this key is proof of the user's identity. Only a user in possession of a private key that corresponds to the public key at the server will be able to authenticate successfully. The private keys need to be stored and handled carefully, and no copies of the private key should be distributed. The private keys used for user authentication are called identity keys.


    The following simple steps are required to set up public key authentication (for SSH):Key pair is created (typically by the user). This is typically done with ssh-keygen.Private key stays with the user (and only there), while the public key is sent to the server. Typically with the ssh-copy-id utility.

    Server stores the public key (and marks it as authorized).Server will now allow access to anyone who can prove they have the corresponding private key.



    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    AS2 Gateway In

    With an AS2 Gateway, incoming messages are received using an AS2 connection. Incoming files are processed as soon as they are received. (see how Walmart, Rite Aid, Wayfair. and Amazon use AS2)

    AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a specification about how to transport data securely and reliably over the Internet. Security is achieved by using digital certificates and encryption.

    The specific settings are:

    • From: AS2 ID of the server that sends incoming messages. Provided by your partner. 
    • To: AS2 ID of the Babelway destination server. You must communicate it to your partner. 
    • Local URL address: URL address used by your partner to send messages to this gateway. It works for both http and https protocol. 
    • AS2 documentation:  File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your AS2 partner. 
    • Message signature enforced: Should message signature be enforced or not. 
    • Certificate for verification: Certificate used for message verification. Provided by your partner. 
    • Message encryption enforced: Should message encryption be enforced or not. 
    • Certificate for decryption: Local certificate to use for decrypting the AS2 messages. These certificates are kept in the environment certificates store. 
    • Maximum retries:  Maximum number of retries if message sending failed. Default is 5 times.
    • Retry interval:  Interval of time before trying to send message again (in seconds).  Default is 60 (1 minute) and the maximum is 600 (10 minutes). 

    After channel deployment, your AS2 connection will be available to receive messages.

    Note: Babelway use Hermes 2 which is Drummond Group certified AS2 software, For more details you can check the below link.

    To report AS2 settings to the other party, download the AS2 documentation ZIP file. This file can be sent to the other party to give them all settings they will require to establish a communication with your channel.

    Note: The Listening ports for the AS2 Gateway are:

    • When using the HTTPS protocol the Listening port is 443.
    • When using the HTTP protocol the Listening port is 80.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    OFTP Server Gateway In

    With an Oftp server Gateway in, Incoming messages are received on a Babelway specific OFTP server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    The specific settings are:

    • Partner SSID: The OFTP ID provided by your partner. 
    • Partner SFID: The SFID provided by your partner. If none has been provided, this is probably the same as SSID. 
    • Partner password: The password of your partner. Provided by your partner.
    • My SSID:  Babelway is providing an official Odette SSID : O01770000000000X0B5SHARED. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My SFID: An SFID is automatically assigned to your Environment: O01770000000000X0B5xxxxxx. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My password: The value of the password is 'BABELWAY'
    • OFTP  documentation: File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your OFTP partner. 
    • Use compression: Compresses the messages. 
    • Secure Authentication: Use OFTP2 'Secure Authentication'. This will use the certificates defined for encryption and signature. 
    • Sign messages: Sign outgoing messages using the key selected in "Signature certificate". This allows your partner to verify that you are the one sending the message. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature  certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store. These certificates are also used for decrypting incoming messages. Multiple certificates for decryption are possible, but only first one in the list is used for signing. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encrypt  messages: Encrypt outgoing messages using the certificate selected in "Encryption certificate". This allows your partner to be the only one able to decrypt the messages sent. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encryption certificate: Select encryption certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Encryption algorithm: Select encryption algorithm or go to certificates store. 
    • Receive signed  messages: This allows you to verify that your partner is the one sending the message using the certificate selected in "Signature verification certificate". This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature verification  certificate: Select certificate for data or go to certificates store. 
    • Request signed ack (EERP): Requests that incoming acknowledgments are signed. The signature will be verified using the Certificate selected in "EERP verification certificate". This allows you to be sure that only the partner could have signed the incoming messages. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • EERP verification certificate: Select certificate for EERP or go to certificates store. 
    • Transfer mode: Advanced. Once the connection is open the OFTP gateway will act as both sender and receiver by default. You can control this by setting the following values : BOTH / RECEIVER_ONLY / SENDER_ONLY 
    • Version: Advanced. Babelway is supporting both OFTP1 and OFTP2. When a connection is open, Babelway uses the OFTP built-in mechanism to negotiate the protocol version. The protocol will be the highest possible. Valid values are : OFTP_V12 for version 1.2 / OFTP_V13 for version 1.3 / OFTP_V14 for version 1.4 / OFTP_V20 for version 2.0 
    • Credit count: Advanced. Control the OFTP "creditCount" parameter. This is the number of data command ( = CREDIT) that could be exchanged prior to an OFTP confirmation from the partner. Default is 64 
    • Data  exchange buffer size: Advanced. Control the OFTP "dataExchangeBufferSize" parameter. This is the size of the OFTP data buffer. It should be smaller than the maxBDataLen for ISDN connection. The minimum is 128 bytes and the maximum is 4096 for ISDN and 65535 for TCP connections. Default is 1024. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    OFTP client Gateway In

    With an OFTP Client In Gateway, incoming messages are transferred from an external OFTP server. The Babelway platform polls this server at regular intervals and retrieves files to process them.

    The specific settings are:

    • Partner SSID: The OFTP ID provided by your partner. 
    • Partner SFID: The SFID provided by your partner. If none has been provided, this is probably the same as the SSID. 
    • Partner password: The password of your partner. Provided by your partner.
    • My SSID: Babelway is providing an official Odette SSID : O01770000000000X0B5SHARED. Please call support if you want to use a different one.
    • My SFID: An SFID is automatically assigned to your Environment: O01770000000000X0B5xxxxxx. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My password: The value of the password is 'BABELWAY'. 
    • OFTP documentation: File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your OFTP partner.
    • Server: The URL of the server of your partner. It is provided by your partner.
    • Port: The port to connect onto. It is provided by your partner. 
    • Use TLS: Use TLS (SSL) for communication 
    • Secure Authentication Certificate: Use this certificate to perform client side TLS (SSL) authentication.
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). If left empty, the system will check at least once every 15 minutes. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at For more information, please refer to the page:
    • Use compression: Compresses the messages. 
    • Secure Authentication: Use OFTP2 'Secure Authentication'. This will use the certificates defined for encryption and signature. 
    • Sign messages: Sign outgoing messages using the key selected in "Signature certificate". This allows your partner to verify that you are the one sending the message. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store. These certificates are also used for decrypting incomming messages. Multiple certificates for decryption are possible, but only first one in the list is used for signing. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encrypt messages: Encrypt outgoing messages using the certificate selected in "Encryption certificate". This allows your partner to be the only one able to decrypt the messages sent. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0.
    • Encryption certificate: Select encryption certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Encryption algorithm:  Select encryption algorithm or go to certificates store. 
    • Receive signed messages: This allows you to verify that your partner is the one sending the message using the certificate selected in "Signature verification certificate". This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature verification certificate: Select certificate for data or go to certificates store. 
    • Request signed ack (EERP): Requests that incoming acknowledgments are signed. The signature will be verified using the Certificate selected in "EERP verification certificate". This allows you to be sure that only the partner could have signed the incoming messages. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • EERP verification certificate: Select certificate for EERP or go to certificates store. 
    • Transfer mode: Advanced. Once the connection is open, the OFTP gateway will act as both sender and receiver by default. You can control this by setting the following values : BOTH / RECEIVER_ONLY / SENDER_ONLY 
    • Version: Advanced. Babelway supports both OFTP1 and OFTP2. When a connection is open, Babelway uses the OFTP built-in mechanism to negotiate the protocol version. The protocol will be the highest possible. Valid values are : OFTP_V12 for version 1.2 / OFTP_V13 for version 1.3 / OFTP_V14 for version 1.4 / OFTP_V20 for version 2.0 
    • Credit count:  Advanced. Control the OFTP "creditCount" parameter. This is the number of data command ( = CREDIT) that could be exchanged prior to an OFTP confirmation from the partner. Default is 64 
    • Data exchange buffer size: Advanced. Control the OFTP "dataExchangeBufferSize" parameter. This is the size of the OFTP data buffer. It should be smaller than the maxBDataLen for ISDN connection. The minimum is 128 bytes and the maximum is 4096 for ISDN and 65535 for TCP connections. Default is 1024 

    After channel deployment, your Oftp server will be available to send messages. You can access this oftp server using any Oftp client software set up with the previous account settings.

    If you require a custom SSID / SFID / PASSWORD, please send a request to .

    When a message is transferred to the Oftp server, it is processed immediately then the original file is removed from the server.


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Http Gateway In

    With an Http In Gateway, incoming messages are received as HTTP Post on the Babelway HTTP server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    The HTTP Post can use the following encoding method: HTML Form, base64 and urlencode.

    Babelway is supporting synchronous processing of messaging. This is available when you submit messages using our HTTP gateway using SOAP and the SOAP operation: "process Message". The response will contain the final result of the execution of the messages. If the messages generate more than one message, the response will contain the full graph of processed messages.

    It is also available through the REST of the gateways. There is only a limited available documentation on this topic, but we would be more than happy to understand more your requirements and provide a proof of concepts for you.

    The specific settings are:

    • Authentication method: You can select from BASIC or CERT. BASIC is user/password authentication. CERT is 2-way SSL authentication. 
    • Username:  Login or username to access the service. 
    • Password: Password associated with previous username. 
    • 2-way auth. certificate: The certificate used to validate the client certificate. 
    • HTTP(S) Post URL: Using the HTTP(S) Post protocols. Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols.  The old address http(s)://{URL}/ws/HttpPostIn is still available, where {URL} is the same as the one in the new url http(s)://{URL}/ws/gateways/
    • SOAP HTTP(S) Url: Using the SOAP Post protocols. WSDL.  Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 
    • HTTPS Post URL: Using the HTTPS 2way authentication Post protocols.
    • Submitted using a FORM: Check the message posting was performed using a Http POST submit. 
    • FORM parameter:  If the option "Submitted using a FORM" is used, this selects the parameter where to find the content of the message. 

    Note: The HTTP server Gateway uses the port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

    This "Gateway In" allow to provide the username and password in the URL when using the HTTP Post URL, The below print screen shows an example for this configuration.

    HTTP Gateway IN example

    The URl is ?



    • You will need to download the WSDL file for this gateway by using the SOAP URL in the browser then login using the user name and password for this gateway in order to download the WSDL file for this environment as for some environments the SOAP URL and the WSDL file are different from other environments.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Http Client Gateway In

    The Http Client allows to periodically retrieve the content of the Http response to a specific URL

    Authentication method: You can select from BASIC or TOKEN. BASIC depend on the server response. 

    Login url:  If authentication method is FORM. 

    Url: Url to call to create message. ;  Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 

    Username: Username used for BASIC/NTLM/DIGEST authentication. For NTLM authentication, the username can be prepended by the domain (domain/username). 

    Password: Password used for BASIC/NTLM authentication. 

    Valid HTTP return code: Comma separated list of expected return Http code. If the return code is not in the list, the polling generates an alert. The default is '200,201,202,204,205'. 

    Timeout: Timeout for connection in milliseconds. Must be between 10000 and 240000. 

    Http Method: You can specify the http method to call. The default is GET. 

    TLS version : You can specify the version of the TLS protocol. TLS is the replacement of SSL. The default is TLSv1.2. 

    Http headers: You can add specific http header.

    Trust level: The trust level defines the level of security used in the SSL handshake. Relax = No certificate verification, Standard = trusting certificates in environment certificates as well as known CA's, Paranoiac = only trusts certificates defined in the environmnent certificates. The default is Standard 

    Login url: If authentication method is FORM. 

    Authentication form fields: When using FORM authentication, you can add specific authentication form fields to the authentication call. This accepts metadata. 

    Metadata from response: You can use data receive by the login request as metadata, which can be used in the data sending after login. 

    Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows to define complex time expression like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). If left empty, the system will check at least once every 15 minutes. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at For more information, please refer to the page:


    • The Gateway In of type "HTTP Client" only supports the BASIC authentication mode.
    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Web Scraping Gateway In

    The Web scraping allows to periodically retrieve messages using a scenario mimicking a browser navigating the web.

    This gateway has to be enabled by Babelway support. For more information or to request the activation, please send a mail to

    • Scenario: Xml definition of the web scraping scenario. 
    • Use variables from lookup table: The scenario will be executed once per iteration lookup table row block. The value of the lookup table will be added to the execution context and available using the VARIABLE::columnName function. The scenario will be executed once without parameters if the lookup table is left empty. 
    • 2-way auth. certificate: If CERT authentication is used (2-way SSL authentication), this allows to select the key pair to use from the environment certificate. 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows to define complex time expression like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). If left empty, the system will check at least once every 15 minutes. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at For more information, please refer to the page:


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.



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