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    Home / Tradeshift Documentation / Tradeshift Partner Apps / Babelway / Chapter 5. Admin

    User Detail

    1551 1 Created on 2020-10-05 07:45:08; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:13





    User Detail

    • Id:  A unique identifier automatically set by Babelway platform. 
    • Created on: Date and time of creation.
    • Username: The username chosen at registration time.  
    • First name: The first name of the user. 
    • Last name: The last name of the user. 
    • Email: The email address of the user. 
    • Login Alert?: Alert for logging.
    • Tracked?: Tracking the login
    • VIP: Check if the user is VIP or not.
    • Language: Language. The interface is displayed in the chosen language. Please note that only English is fully supported, and that other languages are in development, and supported on a best-effort basis. It can happen that you still have some messages in English in one of the other languages. 
    • Phone: The telephone number of the user. 
    • AUTHENTICATION SCHEME: The way used for Authentication.
    • PASSWORD POLICY: The strength of the password.
    • Last password update: The date and time of the last update of the password. 
    • Last login: The last login date, time and location.
    • Failed login count: The number of failed login that occurred since the last successful one.
    • Blocked until: The date and time until which the user is blocked. 




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