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    2.2. Page structure

    1503 0 Created on 2020-09-21 09:57:24; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:13

    Page structure

    All the pages of the system have the following elements (see figure):


    Page Structure

    • The top bar is to show you in which environment you are working. It displays:

      • Name of the current user.

      • The environment you are working in. This is only available if you have access to multiple environments. In this case, you can also switch from one environment to another (just click on the arrow at the right of the name of the environment).

      • The logout button.


    • The menu allows you to go to the different parts of the system.

      • Home just allows you to return to the welcome page of the system, It shows the alerts and messages failed in error .

      • You'll find in the Monitor section all the functionalities needed to follow and manage all the messages processed by the system, once the flow of messages is defined.

      • In the Manage & Build section, you'll be able to define how the messages will be processed by the system.

      • The Babelway section gives you access to the parameters of your environments, your bills, the management of the users that may access your account.


    • The Page Title and Page Body contains the data of the page, and are specific to each page.

    • The Contact Us drop-down from Support Tab allows you to easily contact Babelway. It is also described in more detail in the help section.

    • The Help Center drop-down from Support Tab allows you to access Babelway Help Guide. See help for more details.

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