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    Tradeshift Fall 2024 e-Procurement and B2B Marketplaces Release Notes

    339 0 Created on 2024-09-09 12:33:26; Last updated on 2024-09-13 08:48:21

    Tradeshift Fall 2024 New Features and Enhancements List for e-Procurement and B2B Marketplaces

    Explore our Fall 2024 release updates, designed to optimize your procurement processes and improve operational efficiency.

    Enhanced User Experience in Goods Receipt (GR) App

    The updated Goods Receipt app includes the following improvements:

    • Users can now directly enter the received quantity or amount on the main page.

    • Unmodified lines are automatically ignored during Goods Receipt creation.

    • Budget-related fields are now displayed when processing Blanket Purchase Orders.

    Tradeshift App: Goods Receipt

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters, Company admin

    Availability: Available starting with September 23rd, no configuration required

    Never miss creating Goods Receipts

    With the new "Create Goods Receipt" task, requesters will:

    • Receive a task and email notification on the expected delivery date, prompting them to start the Goods Receipt document.

    • Get reminders if the Goods Receipt document hasn't been created on time.

    • Set delegations or substitutions for this task, if necessary.

    Tradeshift App: Goods Receipt

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters

    Availability: Available starting with September 23rd, no configuration required

    Re-punch out for shopping carts

    In a punch-out setup, customers using Tradeshift can create and send shopping carts to their procurement system. If changes are needed after the cart is sent—such as modifying quantities, adding products, or removing items—users can revisit Tradeshift to adjust the shopping cart through a process called re-punch out.

    After making changes, the requester can resubmit the updated shopping cart to their procurement system, which will update the corresponding requisition document.

    Key actions in the re-punch out process include:

    • Modifying item quantities.

    • Adding or removing items.

    • Resubmitting the altered cart to the procurement system.

    • Reviewing previously submitted shopping carts via the Document Manager app.

    Tradeshift App: Purchase Request

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters using punch out flow

    Availability: Available now, punch out needs to be configured for the branch

    Preferred Non-Catalog Sellers 

    Managing non-catalog purchases across many suppliers can be challenging. To simplify this, your admin or procurement team can now flag preferred sellers for non-catalog transactions, making it easier to find the right supplier.

    Preferred non-catalog sellers are:

    • Added to predefined connection groups—one for Written Request (WR) preferred sellers and another for Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) sellers.

    • Available for selection in a shortened list within the Written Request and Blanket Purchase Order apps.

    • Selectable by requesters or assistants when creating WR or BPO line items.

    Tradeshift App: Written Request, Blanket Purchase Order

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters, Company admin

    Availability: Available now, configuration required

    Preferred Non-Catalog Sellers 

    Managing non-catalog purchases across many suppliers can be challenging. To simplify this, your admin or procurement team can now flag preferred sellers for non-catalog transactions, making it easier to find the right supplier.

    Preferred non-catalog sellers are:

    • Added to predefined connection groups—one for Written Request (WR) preferred sellers and another for Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) sellers.

    • Available for selection in a shortened list within the Written Request and Blanket Purchase Order apps.

    • Selectable by requesters or assistants when creating WR or BPO line items.

    Tradeshift App: Written Request, Blanket Purchase Order

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters, Company admin

    Availability: Available now, configuration required

    Improved segregation of duties in the purchasing flow

    The Purchase Request line has been enhanced to be self-contained, providing the following benefits:

    • Approvers can review and validate all relevant line data directly within the Purchase Request, eliminating the need to access the application that created the line.

    • Approvers no longer require access to requisition apps like Written Request or Blanket Purchase Order, improving control over roles and responsibilities according to segregation of duties business rules.

    Tradeshift App: Purchase Request

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters, PR Approvers, Admins

    Availability: Available now, no configuration required

    Reject and Withdraw Purchase Request from Assistance 

    To maintain accountability and ensure the completeness of purchase requests, new workflow operations have been introduced:

    • Assistants can now return the Purchase Request (PR) back to the requester for further updates without ending the assistance flow. The requester can then update and resubmit the document.

    • Requesters have the capability to withdraw their PR from the assistant to make necessary adjustments and then resubmit it.

    • Collaboration between the assistant and the requester is supported at all stages of the process.

    Tradeshift App: Purchase Request

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters, Procurement Assistants

    Availability: Available now, configuration required

    UX improvement: Delivery Date at Purchase Request header level

    Enhance the efficiency of setting delivery dates in your Purchase Requests by configuring it once at the header level:

    • Requesters can select the desired delivery date (and time, if this feature is enabled) directly at the PR header level. This automatically updates all lines, replacing the default delivery date.

    • If specific adjustments are needed, the requester can update the delivery date for individual lines as necessary.

    Tradeshift App: Purchase Request

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters

    Availability: Available starting with September 23rd, no configuration required

    Improved percentage cost split for requisition line items

    Enhance your requisition process with the improved percentage cost split feature:

    • When updating the amount for a requisition line, requesters benefit from automatic distribution across split lines. This eliminates the need for manual calculations.

    • Any changes to quantities or amounts result in automatic updates to the line splits, adhering to the configured weights (expressed as a percentage of the line amount).

    Tradeshift App: Purchase Request

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters

    Availability: Available starting with September 23rd, configuration required

    Configurable list of Units for Written Requests

    Ensure seamless integration of your documents into backend systems with the new configurable list of units:

    • Requesters can now select from a pre-configured list of supported unit codes when creating or editing a Written Request line. This prevents integration issues with purchase orders by ensuring only compatible units are used.

    • The unit of measure selected in the Purchase Request is automatically carried over to the Purchase Order at the line level, ensuring that only pre-configured unit codes accepted by the customer's backend system are used.

    Tradeshift App: Written Request

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Requesters

    Availability: Available now, configuration required

    API Feature: Retrieve Catalog Content for Offline Analysis

    Enhance your data analysis and processing with this specialized API call:

    • Customers can now obtain the full catalog content for a specific branch, adhering to the pre-configured product visibility rules of that branch. The output is delivered in the same JSON object format utilized by the Tradeshift.Shop app.

    • The API call response is paginated, requiring an iterative approach to be implemented in the customer’s system for full data retrieval.

    Tradeshift App: API call

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Admins

    Availability: Available now, no configuration required

    Enhanced Control of Allowed Document Flips

    Gain precise control over which document conversions users can perform:

    • Company administrators can now specify which document flips are permitted for individual users at the branch level. This can be configured using the Tradeshift.Configurator app or through user master data integration, if applicable.

    • Users inherit the ability to perform specific document flips (e.g., from Purchase Order to Goods Receipt) based on either branch configuration or individual user properties. For optimal control, administrators can assign these privileges directly as user business properties within a specific branch.

    Tradeshift App: Configurator

    Audience: Buyers

    End Users: Admins

    Availability: Available now, no configuration required

    Testing Configuration: Identify Real Seller Account

    Improve testing accuracy and clarity with branch configuration adjustments:

    • When a branch is configured as a test account, all generated documents such as Purchase Orders, Order Changes, and Goods Receipts are labeled as “test” documents. This labeling informs the seller that these documents are for testing purposes only and should not be processed.

    • It is strongly recommended to utilize this configuration exclusively in the sandbox environment to prevent disruptions in production.

    Tradeshift App: Ordering flow

    Audience: Buyers, Sellers

    End Users: Requesters, Admins

    Availability: Available now, configuration required

    Transport OCI Webshop Custom Fields to Purchase Orders

    Enhance the efficiency of your purchasing process with improved data flow from webshop to Purchase Order:

    • When OCI webshop custom fields are transported to the generated Purchase Order, buyers can be assured that all item details selected from the seller's webshop are fully integrated into the Purchase Order.

    • Sellers receive Purchase Orders containing all necessary item specifics (via the custom fields), eliminating the need to request additional details from the buyer and preventing ordering delays.

    Tradeshift App: Purchase Order

    Audience: Buyers, Sellers

    End Users: Requesters, Admins

    Availability: Available now, no configuration required

    Updates to MoR Marketplace OneSource tax connector

    With the enhanced tax validation and determination features, a MoR (Merchant of Record) marketplace operator can now:

    • Benefit from a more meaningful tax discrepancy tolerance calculation and updated messaging in the tax validation flow.

    • Enjoy improved tax coverage and maintain unchanged unit prices when line ALC is used in the tax determination flow.

    • Utilize an additional item property to distinguish between goods and service lines, with this distinction preserved throughout all flips in both flows.

    • Use the Australian ABN registration number as a tax identifier in the OneSource - TS integration across both flows.

    Audience: Buyers, Operators

    Availability: Available now, configuration required

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