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    What exceptions should we set in our firewall to be able to integrate via SFTP or FTPS?

    3785 1 Created on 2016-10-11 21:04:46; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:00:46

    In order to be able to integrate via SFTP or FTPS you must make sure that your system can reach Tradeshift. If there are outbound firewall rules that apply to your server that sends documents to Tradeshift, they will need to allow traffic to the following:

    Environment IP addresses Ports
    Production (
    SFTP: TCP/22

    FTPS: TCP/990 TCP/2500-2699
    Sandbox (
    SFTP: TCP/22

    FTPS: TCP/990 TCP/2500-2699

    Note: For availability reasons there are multiple IP addresses allocated for SFTP/FTPS upload. At any given time, only one IP address will be active per environment. However, in a failover situation the other IP address may become active. For that reason it is important that all the IP addresses listed above are included in the firewall rules. Read more on our integration page.

    If you use outbound white listing of IP addresses, you need to white list both addresses or you will experience intermittent failures in your integration.

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