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    June 2023 Release Notes

    1900 1 Created on 2023-07-03 08:22:14; Last updated on 2024-10-01 08:16:00

    Tradeshift Release Notes

    Task Manager / Transactions

    Functional Improvement

    The link to switch to the new Task Manager is now available to everyone. The ‘old’ app is still loading by default. Moving forward we will load the new app by default, giving users the ability to fallback to the old one. 

    The new app offers better control on the screen area, users can add or remove columns they see in the Task Manager app. There are two new columns added: Document Issue Date and Document Payment Due Date. The new Task Manager app also has a new look, providing minor usability improvements. 

    Business Firewall 2.0 Errors report

    New Feature

    The brand new Business Firewall 2.0 Errors report is available to Insight Center users. By leveraging the power of the Business Firewall Errors Report, you can enhance data quality, reduce exceptions, and achieve greater operational efficiency and accuracy.

    Overall platform components

    Component updates

    General maintenance and updates to software dependencies, with the purpose of keeping the component services up to date and secure.


    Functional Improvement

    The shop commodity browsing tree is now sorted alphabetically. This improvement helps end users easily identify a specific commodity to filter by.


    Functional Improvements

    The Categories tab in Shop now contains results from both direct and marketplace content. The section is now more relevant and useful to companies that have mixed content (direct offer and marketplace), as it allows users to browse against the entire list of commodities. 


    Functional Improvement

    Various enhancements and bug fixes to shopping in the context of a document : 

    • The X button now leads back to the original document (Purchase Request or Order Change Request)

    • Display the correct document type when accessing Shop in a context of a document

    • Multiple products of the same kind can now be added on the Purchase Request and Order Change Request

    This is meant to align the shopping experience against various business flows and ensure a smoother and clear experience.


    View Manager

    New Feature

    Views can now be exported in CSV. With this new feature, the View Management is made simple by visualizing an aggregated view of all view properties.


    Marketplace Manager App

    New Feature

    The Fee dashboard can now be exported in CSV. This new feature makes it easier to manage Fees and quickly create fee invoices.

    Quyntess Release Notes

    Logistics Collaboration


    It is now possible to flip one or multiple shipments from shipment collaboration into a transport order in Logistics Collaboration.

    Goods Receipt & Invoice


    For orders created in TS Buy and integrated in the OC App, the TS PDF version is now available for printing.

    Inventory Collaboration


    It is now possible to select a certain lot from the item list via a newly implemented icon, so that in the item details screen the information is limited to this respective lot.


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